Top Texas Holdem Poker Hands

  1. Poker Hand Rankings - Texas Holdem Starting Hands Chart. Expected value is the average number of big blinds this hand will make or lose. For example: AA from the Small Blind in a $3/$6 game will make, on average, 2.71 times the big blind, or $16.20 per hand (2.71. $6). On the other hand, 22 from the Button (D or Dealer position), will make -$0.12 EV, or -$0.72 in a $3/$6 game (6.$0.12).
  2. Holding 2 and 7 off suit is considered the worst hand in Texas Hold'em. They are the lowest two cards you can have that cannot make a straight (there are five cards between 2 and 7). Even if they are suited, they will make you a very low flush, and if either makes pairs, it is still a low hand.

Preflop Poker Hands and Position. Position is everything in texas hold'em. It is definitely the most important aspect of the game. The importance of position in hold'em cannot be emphasized enough. You must play very tight poker in early position, but you should loosen way up as you get closer to the button.

  1. Good starting hand selection is very important

    If you structurally choose to play better hands than your opponents then you will already have a great advantage over them. Especially if you are just starting out in Texas hold'em then good starting hand selection will keep you out of trouble after the flop.

  2. The top ten best Texas hold'em starting hands


    The little 's' stands for 'suited' and the 'o' for 'unsuited' or 'of suit'. Good starting hands are those hands which either don't need to hit the flop (like big pairs) or often make the best hand when they do hit the flop. These hands make the best possible flushes and make top pairs with very strong second cards ('kickers').

  3. The worst Texas hold'em starting hands


    The bad starting hands do not offer the possibility to hit a straight or flush with both cards; they are unconnected and unsuited. They will hit low pairs or top pairs with bad kickers and will lose you chips when your opponent hits the same pair with a better kicker. Don't play these hands. They will get you in trouble more often than not.

  4. Keep an eye on your position

    If you have the button or are close to the right of the dealer then you will be very likely to act last after the flop. This gives you an informational advantage over your opponents: you can see what they do before you have to act. Try to take advantage of this by playing more hands 'in position' then 'out of position'; play most of your hands when you are (close to the right of) the dealer.

  5. Do not overplay single pair hands

    Putting a lot of your chips in the pot with just a single pair rarely is a good idea. If you have a middle pair or a top pair with a weak kicker and are facing strong bets from your opponent then you are usually beat. Fold, keep an eye on this opponent and win your chips back when you are the one with the stronger hand and he or she isn't able to let go of the weaker hand like you did.

  6. Don't slowplay big pairs

    Big pairs like aces, kings and queens are great hands to be putting a lot of chips in the pot with unless you see the flop with many opponents. Then the chance of someone hitting a better hand than you will be bigger. Just raise your big pairs pre-flop to fold out the weaker hands that might flop a lucky two pair otherwise and to give yourself a higher chance of winning the hand.

  7. Try to be the aggressor

    If you are aggressive, meaning that you bet and raise a lot instead of just calling, then you give your opponent the option to fold to your bets. By taking initiative and being aggressive you therefore give yourself an extra possibility of winning the hand. Don't overdo it though; you don't want to be aggressive with a hand that would deserve a fold instead.

  8. If you're playing the board, your opponent can see your hand

    What this means is that if you make a hand with both your hole cards it will be more concealed for your opponents and the chance of your hand being second best is generally smaller. Don't draw to a one card straight, because it will be obvious to other players when there are four cards to a straight on the board. You will either win very little, or lose a lot to the player that uses both his hole cards to make a better straight.

  9. Eventually knowing the odds is important

    Having a rough idea of the odds of hitting your draws and of how to calculate pot odds is very important in order to play winning poker. Although for the first time poker player pot odds is not a subject to directly dive into (it takes some time to learn), it surely will be rewarding to follow this pot odds guide when you decide to play poker more often.

  10. You can't win more than your opponent's stack

    As obvious as it may sound, the smallest stack of you and your opponent will be the limit as to what you can win in no-limit games. If this stack is very small, it might not be rewarding enough to chase certain draws as you won't be able to win enough when you hit to make up for the times you miss and lose. Your 'implied odds' aren't high enough.

18September In Tips & Tricks by Tags: best poker hands, Poker starting hands, worst hands to play in poker

10 Best and Worst Starting Poker Hands

Texas Holdem Poker Hand Order


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Free Texas Holdem Poker Games

One of the most important thins to learn in texas hold em is which hands are worth playing and which ones you would be better off folding. When it comes to every hand its all about the worth of those two down cards you’re first dealt. I’ve come up with a simple ten and ten list of the best cards to play and the best cards to fold. Just following these alone should increase your odds at the table.
#1 Ace/Ace This is by far the best hand you can hope to be dealt and has more odds of winning than any other cards
#2 K/K This is a close second to the previous hand. Odds are still in your favor and you can definitely win some money with these “cowboys”.
#3 Q/Q “Ladies” are probably the 3rd best you can be dealt. The two above can take you out but you have everything below.
#4 A/K This is stronger when suited and can still be somewhat of a tricky hand. When it comes to drawing hands this is definitely the strongest. If the flop is on your side and gives you a pair this hand can definitely pay off
#5 J/J This hand still has about a twenty percent chance of winning. Be cautious of the flop. If it shows a K, Q or A your chances go down but other than that you have a strong hand.
#6 A/Q This drawing hand is right under A/K and also has about a 20% chance of a win
#7 K/Q When suited especiallly this is a great drawing hand. Just be careful of the Aces.
#8 A/J Suited really benefits you here but still a decent hand
#9 K/J This hand is decent hand to play with but pay attention. Everything on this list so far can beat you so if you see big raises you should probably fold.
#10 A/10 You can still make a straight with this hand if the odds are in your favor. I wouldnt play this hand very strong and once again suited is going to put you in a better position of course.
#1 2/7 “the hammer” is what it is otherwise known as. Even if these cards are suited you might have a chance of making a very low flush. This is considered to be the worst starting hand in texas hold em.
#2 2/8 The only difference between this hand and above is you got an 8 instead. You still cant do much with this hand even when suited.
#3 3/and either of the above…This hand can still beat the other two but is not a good hand at all.
#4 2/6 Even if you have a miracle flush or straight chances are someone else on the table will have one higher. This hand is around a 10% chance of winning which is not the best.
#5 2,3 or 4/9 The only thing that may have the chance to save you with this hand is the 9. If you pair it it’s still right down the middle as far as pairs go. You still have a high chance to get beat even tho it’s better than any other hands so far.
#6 2/10 This is not a good hand…unless you’re a professional poker player. Doyle Brunson captured two WSP bracelets with this hand but unless you’ve logged as many hours at the table as him then I suggest you steer clear of playing this one.
#7 5/9 Statistically this is losing hand. It can be somewhat fun to play if thats what you’re playing for but not one that is going to win you money more than likely.
#8 4/5, 4/8, 3/6, 5/….You get the idea….These hands are a maybe at best if suited…if not get rid of em. If you’re in the big blind and can see the flop free ok. Otherwise fold.
#9 Face/Low when unsuited. A lot of times players (especially new ones) want to play any hand with a face card. This does have the chance to win a few pots but most of the time are losing hands that are easy to beat. Don’t get so excited every time you see paint in your hand.
#10 Ace/little unsuited See above. Yes we want to play the ace. Honestly this isnt a bad hand but if you see a lot of raises and you’re sitting at a table with more than four players you’re probably about to be outkicked and out of money.